Ulster Riley Club member Debra Wenlock has just completed work on a collaborative commission - colouring a set of 'stained glass' windows celebrating the most popular scenes from the Game of Thrones TV series. The project entitled Glass of Thrones was jointly commissioned by Tourism Ireland and Tourism NI and are now on display at six outdoor locations around Belfast, forming a tourist trail from the City Hall to the Titanic slipway. Here is one of Debra's prints of the Dark Hedges made famous by the epic series. She painted it after visiting the location with the Ulster Riley Club a few years ago.
Here is a link to an article by John Lomas of Blue Diamond on his visit to Northern Ireland for the 45th Anniversary celebrations 5 years ago.
Lynx (Links)
Debra Wenlock motoring artist and Glass of Thrones artist
The Riley Register
Riley RM Club
Riley Motor Club
Riley Pre War Special website
MH Autocraft Motorsport and Heritage Engineering
David Higgs Riley website